First Regional Congress of Legal Clinics at PUCP, Peru on 8-10 August 2019 in Spanish

Conference Congress and Seminars at

What: Ist Regional Congress of Legal Clinics

Theme: From the street to the courts: The reality of clinical education in Latin America

When: August 8, 9 and 10, 2019

Where: Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru and will take place in Lima – Peru

About Conference

One of the most suitable methodologies to strengthen the knowledge of law in the training process is clinical education. This methodology aims at the development of skills and abilities through the sponsorship or follow-up of real cases. Through this active role and contact with reality and environment, students are expected to contribute to the generation of two-way learning: acquiring knowledge oriented to their training as legal professionals, but also transforming social problems.

In Latin America, there are several Faculties of Law that have legal clinics (whether strategic litigation clinics or legal offices). At the national level, these efforts are occurring more and more frequently, although they have not been adequately made visible. Because of this, the Regional Congress of Clinical Education in Law seeks to be an academic space for teachers and students of these courses in the region to share and exchange reflections, experiences and generate mutual enrichment, around this learning process.

For the present Congress it is summoned to: (i) the presentation of papers for the teaching team of the course of legal clinics or legal offices; (ii) the presentation of posters for students, former students or volunteers of said courses. The call will be regulated based on the criteria developed in this document.


The conference raises reflection on the following aspects of clinical teaching 
  • Installation and implementation of clinics and clinics: challenges and opportunities. 
How is a clinic installed? What resources are needed? How to contact groups in situations of vulnerability? Is it necessary that it be a course or can it be a volunteer? How are the processes handled? What to do in the face of institutional conflicts of interest? How to determine what topics a clinic will address? 
  • Learning through clinics and legal offices- What is learned with clinical education? How to make clinical methodology when the students can not represent interests in judicial processes? What differentiates the clinical method from other problem-based learning methods? What is learned from professional responsibility? How to apply the social responsibility approach in clinical teaching? 
  • Challenges, advances and impact of clinics and legal offices in vulnerable groups: women; girls, boys and adolescents; People with disabilities; indigenous population; migrants and refugees; population with HIV / AIDS and people deprived of liberty. Is it important that students approach vulnerable populations? Why? How to avoid that contact with vulnerable populations reproduce patterns of exclusion? What to do when the same vulnerable population has different positions on the same issue (child labor or prostitution, for example)? What to do when the students are wrong? How to avoid assistentialism? 
  • Strategic litigation as a tool for sociopolitical change and incidence. What advantages do clinics have over other litigation formulas for social change? What changes have you achieved so far? What other formulas, apart from litigation, can legal clinics adopt? 
  • Clinical education and the defense of environmental rights and of indigenous peoples. Is it possible to promote responsible extractivism? What are the implications of defending these rights in media and political contexts opposed to them? Is it legitimate to attribute the representation of a diffuse interest? When yes or when not? Who is my client in a diffuse interest? 

Call for proposals

Teachers, teaching assistants, heads of practice or those responsible for the course of legal clinic and legal practice interested in participating in this Congress with papers should send their proposals of paper addressing some of the thematic axes, within of the dates of the established schedule, to the following email [email protected] , noting as subject "Presentation - I Regional Congress of Legal Clinics".
  • The proposals for papers must observe the following formal aspects: 
  • Have a maximum length of 600 words. 
  • Be written in Arial 11 points to 1.5 space in Word format. 
The evaluation of the papers will be carried out by the scientific committee that will analyze the content of the paper, the link with the thematic axis, as well as the pertinence and contribution of the same in the Clinical Education.

The selected papers will be presented at tables in the Congress and will be published in a virtual way. In case the paper is accepted, the corresponding payment must be paid and the complete paper must be sent on the date indicated in the schedule, fulfilling the following formal aspects: 
  • Summary / abstract of maximum 250 words, indicating the subject and objectives. 
  • Keywords, a maximum of 6 words. 
  • Information from the author or authors, including institutional affiliation and email. 
  • Introduction, development and conclusions of the paper. 
  • Bibliographic references in the APA standards format. 
  • Maximum length of 20 pages including bibliography. 

Call for posters

The students, former students or volunteers interested in participating in this Congress with posters (informational gigantographies) should send their posters individually or in groups. These should be referred to the explanation of a legal strategy to solve a case of public interest in line with thematic axes 3, 4 and 5. The proposals must be sent within the dates of the established schedule, to the following email rsu.derecho @ indicating as subject "Poster - I Regional Congress of Legal Clinics".

The poster must be presented in Word (A4) or Power Point format, and must contain the following: 
  • Header: title and name of authors with affiliation 
  • Justification: presentation of the theme or objective of the poster. 
  • Development: explanation of the experience or results obtained. You can use graphics or tables. 

The evaluation of posters will be carried out by the scientific committee that will analyze the content of the paper, the link with the thematic axis, as well as the relevance and contribution of it in the Clinical Education.

The posters will be presented during the Congress and will be published in a virtual way. In case the poster is accepted, the corresponding payment must be paid. The posters will be printed by the Congress organization.

Registration costs to Congress

Registration for speakers
In case the paper or the poster is accepted, the selected person must pay the registration, whose cost is S / 50 and submit their paper on the date indicated in the schedule. The registration gives the right to the virtual publication of the paper or poster, participate in all the sessions of the Congress and receive the materials of the same.
Registration for participants
Registration for participants is governed by the following rates: 
General public: S / 80 
Teachers of public universities: S / 40 
Students: S / 20 

The payment can be made with a debit / credit card or through a face-to-face payment at the bank.

Call for submission of proposals for papers and postsNovember 19, 2018 to April 15, 2019
Evaluation of papers and postersApril 25 to May 16, 2019
Publication of resultsMay 20, 2019
Payment of registrations of speakers and submission of written papersMay 22 to June 6, 2019
General registration to CongressDecember 1 to July 30, 2019
Congress August 8, 9 and 10, 2019 from 9 am to 5 pm

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